Site Safety Assessment Guide

Identifying the Risk Classification

Risk Classification Example


Steps to completing the Site Safety Assessment:
  1. Identify Hazards on a job site
  2. Assign risk level for each identified hazard
  3. Define controls for identified hazards
  4. Assign responsibility to implement controls
  5. Determine the required personal protective equipment PPE
  6. Communicate the hazards to workers
  • Completion of an SSA is required on any jobsite before work begins
  • Updating the SSA is required as conditions change on the job site
  • Completion of a new SSA is required at the start of a new shift
Worker Responsibility:
  • Complete an SSA before beginning work
  • Involve coworkers in the SSA process
  • Update the SSA as conditions change
  • Post a copy of the SSA at the entrance to the work area
Supervisor Responsibility:
  • Ensure the SSA has be completed properly
  • Ensure any assigned actions to implement controls have been assigned and completed
  • Ensure an SSA has been signed and posted
  • Communicate any updates to workers
Critical task:
  • If you check yes, to a critical task; develop and follow the Safe Work / Job Procedures for that task.
  • Ensure training and supervision is provided.

  • In the first box, indicate the hazard classification. Indicate the risk by using L for low, M for moderate or H for high.
  • Enter the name of the person who has been assigned to deal with a specific hazard, and the date that it was corrected.

Likelihood means the probability of occurrence. The chances of something happening.

  • 1 = Unlikely
  • 2 = Occasional
  • 3 = Likely

Potential Impact means the amount of harm that can be created by the risk. It is also called the severity of harm.

  • 1 = Low or Insignificant impact
  • 2 = Moderate impact
  • 3 = High or Catastrophic impact

  • As you conduct your site inspection, pick the description that best fits the hazards you find.
  • In the second box beside exposed electrical panels, indicate what you are going to take (actions 1 to 5 from the Controls Required list (4) ).

  • On the SSA form, you would indicate the number 1. Eliminate the hazard. If additional controls are required, use the third box to list additional controls.

Identify and Record All Hazards

  • Repeat this step for all of the hazards you find as you do your site safety assessment. You may find one or many hazards.

Report all the hazards found on the jobsite with workers and authorized visitors.

A qualified person shall take corrective action for each hazard. The shift supervisor is responsible for ensuring that the required corrective action has been taken.

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